PTTEP adheres to “No Gift” Policy
Please accept a big Happy New Year 2018 from us. We wish all of you success and happiness.PTTEP appreciates the warm and meaningful relationships that we’ve been able to enjoy throughout the year.
It’s important for everyone to remember that PTTEP adheres to a “No Gift” Policy. We, therefore, seek your kind cooperation in refraining from giving gifts, hospitality, and other benefits to PTTEP directors, management, and staff in any occasions, including the New Year.The Company continues to uphold its transparency value under the Corporate Governance principle, and has strongly encouraged this practice regarding gifts for two consecutive years.
In those cases where the Company receives a gift and, for whatever reason, the gift cannot be returned to the giver, the Company will donate it to organizations outside PTTEP for charity, for the common good, or appropriately take care of it in another similar fashion.
We greatly appreciate your thoughtfulness and thank you for your continued support in this matter.