Announcement of the entitled shareholders for 2019 PTTEP site visit at PTTEP Petroleum Development Support Base and CSR project in Songkhla
Reference is made to our invitation for 2 groups of shareholders’ visit to PTTEP Petroleum Development Support Base and CSR project in Songkhla, on June 12, 2019 (Group 1) and June 13, 2019 (Group 2), we are glad to announce the lists of entitled shareholders and waiting list of Group 1 (Attachment 1) and Group 2 (Attachment 2). PTTEP will contact each entitled shareholders for confirmation by phone using the telephone number given in the Application Form.
If PTTEP is unable to reach the selected applicants by May 24, 2019, PTTEP reserves the right to cancel that application and will contact another applicant from the waiting list as a substitute.
Please find the itinerary in attachment 3. More Information, please call Corporate Secretary Division Tel 0-2537-7191 or 0-2537-7192 during office hours.